With my parents and their college friends in town this week for the Carnival, of course we've been joking daily about old people- being old, creaking bones, social security checks, and waiting for the old men to catch up to us on the hill.
Ward Doyle however is NOT an old man. I'm officially declaring that right here.
Uncle Waddy ripped this mountain wide open today and it was US trying to keep up with him! Brilliant! Not often do we meet our match, groomer day or powder day it doesn't matter; when you spend 50-80 days a year on the same hill, week in week out, it's hard for anyone else to keep up. But this is Ward's third ski trip this year, he was bragging about Idaho on Sundown lift so we were hopeful and our hopes were granted.
The morning was sunnier than the afternoon; so we cranked out 6 runs while the rest went "gourmet snowshoe touring", and then met up with them at Hazie's for a divine lunch. The respite ceased up the joints, so come 1pm we were ready to head down the Daze. We timed it right so they could shoot us from above for a change! What a glorious day; many took advantage of it, there was a "line" at Sundown!There's something blowing in... someone say a prayer it doesn't go to my parents' house in DC yet again... they're supposed to get FEET. Where's my Powder Day!?
See you in the deep!