The mountain is already reporting two feet of snow thus far, with a one-foot base and it's been snowing all day. A Twitter friend's update tells me that skiers are lappin' it up at Loveland already, and although we're ready, we're not.

Craig's been gathering gear like a ravaged midwestern soccer mom on Black Friday; Old skis and bindings checked? Check. New leg for the monoski? Check. New powder skis? Check. New powder outriggers? Check. Smartwool layers? Check.

But what's left to do? Bring the Revolution Pro Comp and the old outriggers down from the rafters and throw on that new leg. Put up the bikes. Wax the boards. Pick up our passes. And Open Up The Lifts!

Pick up our passes?? That should be first! Yikes, we need to get on that early next week before the lines start forming and the locals start frothing at the bit...

Posted by Andy Kennedy Wednesday, November 12, 2008


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